
Origin of our most celebrated holidays, etymological and cultural meanings. Relation to religion, astrology/astronomy/cosmology, politics, economics, antiquity, & human consciousness etc. *under construction

New Years

Practiced all over the world as the end and beginning of gregorian calendar, libation and party, welcoming the new year with prosperity and good luck/health. 

Valentines Day

Saint Valentine was a christian martyr during roman rule who ministered to persecuted christians.

St Patricks Day

celebration of the Irish Protestant patron saint; usually with libation and feast. 

April fools

Day of pranks and tomfoolery; there are many theories as to the origins including: genocide of Muslim and Spanish Jews by the Christian monarchs thru tricking them to leave their homes to be massacred . Also, a misinterpreted new years day from the middle ages where the 'fools' would celebrate during the spring equinox.

Cinco de Mayo

Mothers Day